The still image camera is the main instrument in the art of photography and captured images may be reproduced later as a part of the process of photography, digital imaging, photographic printing. The similar artistic fields in the moving image camera domain are film, videography, and cinematography.
The word camera comes from camera obscura, which means "dark chamber" and is the Latin name of the original device for projecting an image of external reality onto a flat surface. The modern photographic camera evolved from the camera obscura. The functioning of the camera is very similar to the functioning of the human eye. The first permanent photograph was made in 1825 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. (wiki)

Smart Pills began making noise in 2001, when PillCam was the first ingestible camera to be approved by the FDA. By 2008, PillCams was used in more than 2 million medical procedures. There are also Dose Tracking Pills (although this raises some ethical questions) that include sensors logging patient data to a corresponding app. This log can be shared with doctors, family, and others. The Vibrant Capsule takes a more hands-on approach, promoting muscle contractions to jumpstart digestion. This list goes on: B) On phones camera equipment will get smaller and smaller, possibly to the point where the camera lens is not even visible on the phone.
2. Range - A) 360 cameras are designed to take videos that are than used by viewers to have a 360 degree view of what was filmed. B) Drones and cameras make it possible for simple aerial views. C) Resolution - Our telescopes and other outer-space tech. have cameras on them that can take resolute photos of distant celestial bodies. Cameras of the future will be more telescopic, allowing us to take high resolution pictures of the moon, and even the planets. This however is a digression into the telescope technology field.
3. Other applications - The use of camera doesn't stop there. Cameras can be used to make 3digitial images inside phones, computers, and gaming systems. One may be able to create a real-time virtual avatar of themselves or of things or people they take pictures of, using the consequences of future camera technology.
Check out this interesting article on nano-cams :
Check out this interesting article on nano-cams :
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