Here I propose an advanced method of reproduction. I will term the method “Selective and Simulated Breeding” - SSB.
The existence of genetic science allows human beings to know what genes can be selected for an improved reproduction.
The existence of sperm and egg donations allows any single, couple, or more, to pick from a wide range of DNA features for their human child. If one is dissatisfied with their own genetic inheritance, that is if their genes have a tendency to disease and mutation they can then make the choice to buy (or be freely given) genetic information from other human beings.
Implementing genetic code into a simulation permits for the existence of being able to observe the exact child that would occur after the insemination or conception. In other words, it is possible to generate a visual simulation of physical traits of one’s potential child. With this it is then possible to make multiple virtual or digital copied children and then from this sample choose what child one will conceive.
It is possible with genetic engineering for any one’s reproductive cells to be edited. This is a reproductive method leading to what is termed “Designer Babies.” For more on this visit the following site. (there is also plenty on the net about this).
When considering breeding yourself, which is an option, making the decision based on an awareness of alternative methods, allows the breeders to make optimal decisions. One can question when going about reproducing, “Do I want my genes in the gene-pool” or “Do I want a child that will suffer from some disease or genetic mutation that will make them disadvantaged with life?”
On a personal note, I have answered no to both those questions. Such a reasoned out life limitation has led me to create this conceptual alternative & method for reproduction.
I also ask you to plug into the equation your own intelligence, your own physical and mental health, the economic situation you are living in (schooling, resource access, crime rate), and your family support, before coming to a decision on whether or not you want to be a parent. Parent-ship and environment are different from reproducing itself, but all three factors should be put into the decision determination before a decision to reproduce is made.
There is also the possibility of government funding or paying some people to reproduce certain genomes. Therefore, there is a future where there is distinction between making a personal breeding selection or public breeding selection. The influence of a public choice in private breeding is not prevailing at this time (2023). Although, the public or government has before restricted breeding (in China) and does fund child welfare widely around the globe.