You may have some inclination to the fact now that we have limitless possibilities for what avatars or characters one can become in virtual games. This limitlessness is a freedom -- a freedom of form.
All the forms that virtual characters can take, it is likely that such will be taken by robotic forms. The head is a place to start, from oval to star shaped, anything is really possible. Eyes can be small, big, or increase or decrease in number. Faces themselves can be altered freely.The freedom to change identities like this, doesn't stop at changing the form of the face but the whole skeletal model is capable of materializing into limitless structures.
Is there an ultimate freedom? Will human's one day create a being that can change into any form so suited for its intelligent selection? I think so. Could there one day be a machine like a "morph" that can just change at will? I think so. It raises a few questions about the nature of self-identity. Confusion of identity is quite possible.
Here the less the robots keep to a standard form the more they will be able to transform. Its definitely a suitable reality for the future of colonizing other planets.